Jun 22Liked by Amanda Leigh

Thank you for another lovely newsletter!

For books- I just finished All Fours (still processing this book, not sure if I would recommend it or not) and am anxiously awaiting from the library Sandwich by Catherine Newman.

My son just re-fell in love with Sato the Rabbit, such a cute book series

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Thank you for the Sato the Rabbit rec- I had never heard of it before, it looks delightful. I am also on the hold list for Sandwich! If you get to it before me, you'll have to let me know how it was. I also have All Fours in my stack- I haven't read anything from Miranda July since No One Belongs Here More Than You, which I did enjoy. All Fours seems like a wild ride though xx

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It has been cooler this summer with some actual rain, which has been great for the garden.

I just finished reading the vaster wilds and am nearly done a life's work. I loved the vaster wilds.

No menu plan for me yet this week but that tofu pudding looks amazing! What a nice treat.

Thank you for this lovely missive.

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Isn't Vaster Wilds so so good? I still think about that one sometimes...

The oat tofu pudding was surprisingly good, a decadent feeling breakfast and perfect for hot mornings. I blended 80g rolled oats with 100g silken tofu, 120 ml plant milk, a few dates, some vanilla, cardamom, and cinnamon till smooth. The chocolate topping is a tbsp tahini whisked with a few tbsp plant milk and a tbsp cocoa powder, and maple syrup to taste, then poured over the top of the pudding. I did it the night before so it was well chilled and ready to go for breakfast! xx

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Yum! Thank you for sending along the recipe. I'll give it a go.

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